Canada Deceased List
Canada’s specialized provider of deceased contact data
Why Choose Us
Our data collection company, Canada Bereavement Registry, is a consumer service that works directly with the funeral industry, estate executors and families of the deceased. All registrations are validated and by consent only. It is the only service of its kind in Canada and the only business directly affiliated with the Funeral Service Association of Canada and other provincial funeral service entities. As a result, our information regarding the deceased is collected right at the time of death and from reliable sources, thereby providing the highest level of immediacy and accuracy in the market.
We also offer an additional product called ObitScan, our proprietary software that scans the internet to collect data on the deceased.
Together, these two products can work in tandem, or alone, to offer the most complete and updated deceased contact data in Canada.

What We Can Do
For Your Company
Improve Marketing Efficiency
by lowering direct mailing costs and increasing knowledge of your consumer base
Improve Corporate Responsibility
by keeping marketing lists accurate and up to date
Preserve Brand Integrity
by not offending the bereaved with upsetting mail/phone calls which can tarnish your brand or lose potential customers.
Improve Environmental Responsibility
by reducing the waste generated by unwanted, unnecessary and often undeliverable mail.